On 7/30/06, Shirish Agarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> right click on gnome panel, choose 'add to panel' ,  select & add
> 'Keyboard indicator' , once it appears (usually 'USA' / Ind ), right
> click on it to set layout options, in the layout tab, add India (
> which gives devanagari keymap ). this is the inscript keymap as
> described here -
> http://www.indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/InscriptLayouts
> another easy to use option is
> http://www.indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/BolNagri
> Karunakar
Thnx Karunakar but I've another query the BolNagri keymap is there in
the  Indian archives
or the main archives or do I have to do some more entries in the sources
list ?

its a seperate deb file u install using dpkg -i , though the current
one is broken for Xorg (since it was packaged for Xfree86 )


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