Hi all , We announce that coming Saturday we have Meeting at Alchemist . ( CSLUG -> Computer Science Linux User Group . )
Agenda / Talk will be 1) CSLinux 0.0.4 Demo ( by CSLinux Team ) 2) CSLinux Project discusion ( by Amit Karpe ) 3) Q & A . Those who want "CSLinux 0.0.4" please come with Blank CDs . PS: Please give suggestion for new talk . If any one from you like to give talk let us know . For online meeting meet at #cslinux channel at irc.freenode.net on weeked 11-12 pm . Time: 04 pm - 06 pm ( Evening ) Date: 29-07-2006 Place: Alchemist ( 2 nd floor ) 1196/B , Ghole Road,Sruti Chambers , Old Vaman Hari Peth Jewelery shop , Opposite to Chinar Hotel Near Tukaram Paduka Chowk , Pune - 411005 . Check for Map : "map_of_CSLUG_meeting_at_Alchemist.gif" at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cslug/files/ Contact number -: Amit Karpe -> 9226745408. Alchemist -> 020-25536768 Thanks -- Amit. ______________________________________________________ param vaibhavam netum etat swaraashtram samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham || Bharat Maata Ki Jay || -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.