On Wednesday 15 February 2006 12:14, Harshal Vaidya wrote:

> I think, if you consider the case of someone who is
> coming to linux/KDE for the first time, he will
> definitely find 'administrator' more helpful than
> 'root'.
> I agree that KDE need not be a clone of Windows but
> simplifications whereever possible shuld definitely be
> made. If they ape Windows in some cases, dosen't
> matter.
> KDE has several unique features to offer to a user
> seperating it from the Windows UI.

Can't say if copying features from M$ means simplification. Rather after 
working on KDE for some time, when I had to move o M$ platforms, I 
found them extremely complex, without any sense of UI.  All that 
matters is what you are used to. 

A person whose first exposure to computers is Linux, will definitely 
find M$ extremely complex to use as it does not let the user control 

Beware of the Turing Tar-pit in which everything is possible but
nothing of interest is easy.
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