
        I have to say today is like 11th of FEB, when i woke up in the
morning i found that i did not have to catch a rickshaw to go to India
Habitat Centre. Really all the 3 day fun has finally come to an end
but with a note that they would be back next year, with a lot more
people and lot more to say.....
So i guess i will continue with my work.....
read onn.......

        I woke up sharp & i was at the occassion before time coz i did not
want to miss the talk by DaviD AxmarK (Co-founder MySQL) which in turn
started very late and messed up the whole day's schedule.
The reason for the late schedule was the day before there was the
penguin party and then everyone got late and things happened...
        The talk basically....
He was talking about Mysql 5.0 and what advancements it has in it's
latest versions and stuff like that.
Then the addition of procedures and triggers and indexes and all cool
stuff. As i want to learn Mysql soon i asked him a lot of questions in
regard to that. I also got a chance to take a picture with him which
was indeed very very cool for me !!!
Some of the questions that i asked was...
How would someone go about in learning MySQL ??
What about documentation and stuff ?
How many people use it currently ?

I was like surprised to hear it is powering so many of the best
websites and enterprises in the industry.Really much motivated by the

Then came the IBM people (Mary Ann Fisher) she was talking of what IBM
does in opensource. IBM basically supports REDHAT & SUSE and then how
they used the OS's to get their work done.
Then she talked about patents and stuff and then how IBM is the
highest patent holders in this world and they certainly donate some of
the patents for open source...
But the talk was gr8 !!!
Next was the tea break which was like really refreshing for me coz i
came early that day  !!

Then i decided to attend one of the workshops by IBM which were
related to DB2,WebSphere. They provided with the dvd's and a 2kg
manual which i did not take but it was really cool, they were showing
and it was also a hands-on, on how to go about installing db2 and
websphere on linux redhat enterprise and also suse... Some of the
people were also learning how to install LINUX ES which was really
good work done by them. The room was quite big and accompanied quite a
few people.

Then again the next talk was one of my favourites guess who ???
...yeah KLAUS KNOPPER he talked on secrets of a LIVE DISTRO which i
found very interesting coz he really got into technical very fast and
then showing us which script does what and how do you modify and
really shed light on the x server concept and what parameters and
alterations they had to do to get the server running. Again he showed
us various scripts and then it was really a very good talk....!!!

You know by now i am really a very big FAN of KLAUS he is such a
helpful person..you go to him with a question he always has a right
answer for that, he has a very sensible talk and you don't find any
compulsion with him as you would do with the IBM guys or someone
I guess this is because he himself has come up with the OS and then he
is very happy about it and ready to help anyone in his way.
To tell you some fact i would have talked to KLAUS abt 2 hrs in this
whole 3 days ! Just imagine someone from IBM giving you so much time
to talk abt the problems or solutions you have.

        Then came the Naukri.com guys they were really talking abt their
servers and how they had to scale as the work began and how many
read's and write's that had and stuff.. Well, not interesting for
someone who is not into this stuff so many people left.

        Next were the Codito people, this guy was looking really
knowledgeable and he was saying many hardcore things abt
optimatizations and vectorization. Since i studied compilers a little
bit i was getting some things but to other people i think the talk was
a little bit tangent !
Then tere was the most beautiful lunch ! I have to say the India
Habitat Centre food is really really gr8 ! I used to like wait for the
next break always !!

Really after a very nice lunch was the most sort after talk abt Women
in Open Source which was really good to hear and talk to people.
Danese Cooper was there and she really took the talk nicely along with
everyone. They basically focused on the Open Source work environment
and how it was fruitful for women and things !

        Then was a keynote from V. Ponraj someone from President's Office and
was really talking abt how technology is getting penetrated in INDIA
and future plans and grids that they are setting up and some of the
plans have a 100$ PC to every school kid and things...
Then came the Apache Guru Brian Behlendorf, again he showed us some
great things and how he gets inspirations and stuff and how 2 guys
came together and built MySQL !!!

        Finally, there was an ending keynote from Danese Cooper, which really
opened my eyes ! She was talking about what she has learnt from bieng
@ linuxasia for the 3rd time ! then what her total experience in IT
says ? Where is Opensource heading nxt ? Really i should have recorded
this talk but i guess she is very inspirational whenever you talk to
her !

        It was nice talking to you people thru mail ! I hope you got some of
the messages straight outright !

OK, someone asked me about stalls of YODA and stuff. The problem with
them was they got a stall in the corner and then i guess they were
short of laptops and stuff but they managed to get a few talks and it
was i guess a really good learning experience for them too !!! I guess
someone from the group should write about his experience @ the stall..

i am out of here.....it's been a very big email.
Thank You for reading
Rohan (LDOM)

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