Hi all,
I had just installed Ubuntu 5.10 & came up with some kind of
issues/problems which I resolved but took lots of time. Maybe there is a
smarter way of doing this.
wanted to install Ubuntu 5.10. I had a previous Suse Installation hence
there was an ReiserFS filesystem. I wanted to revert back to ext3 file
system. It's an 80 GB hard disk (76 Formatted) with 60 GB divided into 7
partitions having Windows 98 on C:\, XP on D:\ the rest with data. All
in Win95 FAT 32 as seen from fdisk -l from Linux.
The rest I wanted to keep for GNU/Linux in this fashion .
/ - root for 12 GB
/home - for userspace 7 GB something
swap - the rest/ remaining.
The first thing I did was deleting the existing partition.
for root (/) :-
a. 12 GB gave it /, bootable flag & space from beginning of free space.
For user (/home) :-
b. 3 GB gave it /home, no bootable flag & space from ending of free space
Till here it was fine. Then tried assigning the remaining 700 MB
something which it was showing but the system wouldn't let me. It kept
saying that this is unusable. I tried all kinds of different
permutations/combinations to have 2 separate partitions & a swap but was
unsuccessful. Finally settled with / for 15.1 GB for / & the remaining
800 MB or so for swap. Was able to successfully load the desktop. After
booting & playing around in Linux rebooted in Windows & found out that
my windowsXP HAL..dll got corrupted. I tried to fix that but couldn't &
hence had to re-install the whole OS which obviously re-wrote the whole
of boot-loader. Then I was able to re-install GRUB from one of the websites.
My questions are: -
Q1. When running the partition, if I had done the Ctrl+Alt+F1 would I've
got a bash
Q2. After deleting the partitions & making new partitions are there any
tools with which I
could check the health of the partition for bad sectors or something
like this.
Q3. Why was not I able to make the two partitions?
Q4. Any suggestions to improve the above path I had taken.
Q5. Anybody knows what is being used to partition, is it fdisk or cfdisk
or what?
Q6. Also is there any other way to change the partition which I've now.
Any option to defrag & re-size the
partition, I know it's a journalized file system but also came
across this on the manual of mount
-journal switch which updates the journal so was thinking, is
this some kind of defrag or what?
Did try to google for all this as well but wasn't
successful. Also did post the same in Ubuntuforums.org but wasn't
able to get any answers. Thanx in advance
Shirish Agarwal
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