Greetings! There were discussions in Indian GNU/Linux Users' Group, Mumbai on where to have the January month's meeting.
I had an idea. What if all our FSUGs/GLUGs members from all over India meet together, online?. How would it be if we all meet in the beginning of the New Year? After discussion with the channel ops, I am happy to call for an all-India FSUGs/GLUGs members meet on January 1, 2006 at 1500 hrs IST at #gnu-india on No agenda as such. The idea is to get to meet folks from different FSUGs/GLUGs, get to know what FSUGs/GLUGs have been and are working on, free software ideas/suggestions/plans/activities for 2006. I will broadcast this message to as many FSUGs/GLUGS that I am member of and that I know of. Please feel free to spread the word. Thanking you all and looking forward to meeting you all, SK (a.k.a mbuf on -- Shakthi Kannan, MS Software Engineer, Hexaware Technologies [E]: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [M]: (91) 98407-87007 [W]: [L]: Chennai, India __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ( List Information: Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.