
i have installed zenwalk linux. i have downloaded
realplayer for linux from the real website.

when i visit www.smashits.com and try to watch any
video, the gxine starts.
the video fails to launch with the error: xine engine
failed. no demuxer found - stream format not

i would like to disable the xine plugin and enable the
realplayer for ff 1.5.

my /usr/lib/(mozilla, firefox) folder does not contain
any xine .so file.
they contain libnullplugin.so and nphelix.so

can anyone help me?

the videos of the smashits.com work in ubuntu 5.04 and


my about:plugins shows:

Installed plug-ins
Find more information about browser plug-ins at
Help for installing plug-ins is available from
gxine starter plugin

    File name: gxineplugin.so
    will start external gxine media player for
embedded media streams

MIME Type       Description     Suffixes        Enabled
video/mpeg      MPEG animation  mpeg, mpg, mpe  Yes
video/x-mpeg    MPEG animation  mpeg, mpg, mpe  Yes
audio/mpeg2     MPEG audio      mp2     Yes
audio/x-mpeg2   MPEG audio      mp2     Yes
audio/mpeg3     MPEG audio      mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpeg3   MPEG audio      mp3     Yes
audio/mpeg      MPEG audio      mpa,abs,mpega   Yes
audio/x-mpeg    MPEG audio      mpa,abs,mpega   Yes
video/quicktime         Quicktime animation     mov,qt  Yes
video/x-quicktime       Quicktime animation     mov,qt  Yes
video/msvideo   AVI animation   avi     Yes
video/x-msvideo         AVI animation   avi     Yes
application/x-mplayer2  mplayer2        asf,asx,asp     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin   mms animation   asf,asx,asp     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     Real audio      rpm     Yes
audio/x-ogg     OGG Media       ogg,ogm         Yes
audio/x-scpls   MPEG audio      pls     Yes
Default Plugin

    File name: libnullplugin.so
    The default plugin handles plugin data for
mimetypes and extensions that are not specified and
facilitates downloading of new plugins.

MIME Type       Description     Suffixes        Enabled
*       All types       .*      No
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible

    File name: nphelix.so
    Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible
version built with gcc 3.2.0 on Sep 15 2005

MIME Type       Description     Suffixes        Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     RealPlayer Plugin
Metafile        rpm     Yes

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