---- Original message ----
>Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 17:14:15 +0000
>From: Amol Bharat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: [PLUG] Re: Pen Drive detection in Mandrake 10.1  
>To: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>How to upgrade without removing existing one.

This is tough one. For two reasons.
- For long RPM based distros couldn't upgrade from one version to 
another successfully. I don't know the situation now but I have 
had problems with mandrake 8 to mandrake9.2. 

I also used to use upgrade as an excuse to clean the bloat etc. 
But I don't do it these days.

I am using slackware now for the precisely same reason. The 
version upgrades work as they are documented. Even if you have 
source compiled packages and some of the packages already 

- Even if the version upgrade would have worked, RH8 is so old, 
you cannot upgrade without reinstalling.

I would recommend that you start from scratch.

>And which Linux is suitable for working with C, VHDL/Verilog
>simulator, embedded microprocessors/microcontrollers simulator, 
>programming and Assembly?

Any reasonably modern distro. will do. Kubuntu or fedora could be 
good starting points.


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