hi people i have just downloaded a documentry about linux from net. it has real nice information about linux and GNU and mostly about linus torvalds and some really great people ( like richard stallman etc.)have been interviewed in it ( by the way all you people pronouncing "linux" as "lienux" or "lynux" hear it from linus himself how he pronounces "linux") apart from that it is not all great coz has 20% part in finnish ( the language ) but still its a good catch so if anybody wants it, bring a virus free HDD to copy it coz i do not have a cd burner and the file is 600Megs also if you don't find it interesting do not blame me and whoever comes to copy it i'd really appreciate if he / she brings any one of the following (its not mandatory if you have these distros just bring coz i want to try them out will copy them as iso and will return them immediately) 1.gentoo linux cds 2.FC4 cds 3.ubuntu linux 4.mandriva 5.suse 10
(also in the documentry linus while answering a question says " there is no real contribution to linux from india i don't know why........... " ) mail me if you're interested also all you guys fondling with linux source code must have coome across name alan cox ( i know you must have coz i did in every file almost ) here you finally get to know him ( who he is ; how does he look etc etc) mail me if you're interested -nikhil [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux ; because i love my computer ______________________________________________________ Yahoo! for Good Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/ -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.