The prices that I know of:
-> 256 MB pen drive average range: Rs 1500 to Rs 2200 -
depending on name of the company. If you add fancier things
like an mp3 player to your usb drive, current costs I have
heard is Rs 2300 to Rs 2800 - again depending on the
company name.
-> DVD-R DVD+R: Rs 15 to Rs 43 - depending on quality.
Suggestion: go for Moser Baer or Sony. These are usually
compatible with most DVD writers out there.
-> DVD+RW: about Rs 150
-> Dual layer DVD : Current market price Rs 400. Wait for a
while - the prices are reducing.
-> DVD writers: LG dual layer = Rs 2300
And to add to Sudhanwa's comment: Of course DVD's have a
much higher storage to price ratio.
But try comparing the overall size, the requirement of a
separate writer, a suitable power source and so on.

The "USB" part of the pen drive is what makes it so
immensly popular.

--- sudhanwa Jogalekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 8/29/05, Gurudatta Raut
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > > From: "Anil Wadghule" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > I am about to purchase an USB pen drive.
> > > I am buying Transcend 256 MB Pen drive.
> > > Also tell me the price for 256 MB transcend Pen
> > 
> > U may be getting that pen for a reason, but let me
> > remind U.
> > 
> > 4.5 GB Rewritable DVD = 30Rs. per CD, Hows That
> > compared to 256MB ?
> And what about the DVD writer pricing?? And carrying a
> DVD writer in your 
> shirt pocket is a bit funny ;-)
> -Sudhanwa
> --

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