Hi Sachin,
Kapli's advice is good and can be done. But I found quite a small hack
to get to know some thing about the seg fault. I was getting the exact
problem with my multithreaded application. What I did was to install a
siganl handler for the Signal 11 . And in that print the perror. If you
can manage it its good. Or I can come up with my code.
At this point you can get the perror message and you will be able to get
to the root cause and some amount of googleing will gett you through.
And ddd also has multi threading support. I think you can switch between
diffrent threads in the debugger. Its good. And one more thing I think
you can also get the ps command to see what threads are being created.
it takes :
ps -eLf
ps amxs
Chaitanya V.Hazarey
School of Technology and Computer Science,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Colaba, Homi Bhabha Road,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005
sachin sonone wrote:
Hi all,
I have multithreaded application. (pthread_create).
I am getting Segmentation fault. (randomly)
Is there any way to know in which thread Segmentation fault has occoured.
Can i get thread_id or anything related in signal handler?
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