On Friday 26 Aug 2005 3:59 pm, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Dr Ranjit C Bhonsle wrote:
> >On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 00:48 +0530, Shantanoo Mahajan wrote:
> >>+++ akshat chowdhary [PLUG] [25-08-05 23:25 +0530]:
> >>| greetings everyone,
> >>|
> >>|           I recently installed Fedora Core 4 on my computer (pentium 3
> >>| n 128 MB RAM). On starting linux , it encountered problems in starting
> >>| the GUI n flashed me the following  message about the following error
> >>| in initializing  the mouse...
> >
> >If you have a serial mouse forget it. I went and bought a ps/2 mouse
> >just for FC4.
> >Ranjit
> Not necessary. You can use the keyboard during installation if the
> serial mouse isnt detected. It will work just fine for regular use
I installed FC4 2 times and did everything possible.
Could not get it to use serial mouse.
I used system-config-mouse in both graphical as well as text...no luck.
In Fc3 install is without mouse but after reboot everything works.
Not so in Fc4. This is my experience...yours might differ.
I had a Logitech 3 button serial mouse. I wanted to really try it's
software scroll in KDE3.4...no luck.
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