On 8/21/05, Navneet Karnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I changed my monitor from a 17" to a 15" yesterday and was wondering how to
> fix the configuration in Ubuntu. After some time, i went ahead and deleted
> the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and restarted the machine. Guess what !!!
> Everything worked as expected after that. The OS autodetected the new
> monitor and settings.
> Just wanted to share this with everyone. In case someone else faces similar
> issues.

I had faced problems in changing the screen resolution in Ubuntu as
there was only one option available (640x480). It was solved by
running the dpkg-reconfigure command which is mentioned in the
xorg.conf file.
While configuring the monitor, there are 3 modes available:
Simple (where the only information required is the the monitor size
eg. 15"), Medium and Advanced (where vertical and horizontal
frequencies of the monitor need to be entered).
One should preferably choose the medium or Advanced option. After I
did that, all the resolution options were available.


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