On 8/4/05, A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even MontaVista of RTOS linux should sue MS.
> http://informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=167100288

Interesting, isnt this like the third or fourth name with "Vista" in it...?

I'm wondering why the other ones, "Vista Software" or whatever, (who
are complaining about Microsoft's Windows Vista) haven't sued
MontaVista RTOS Linux already.... I dunno bout law (IANAL) but dont
you lose your "rights" or "claim" to the name if you don't sue/pursue
the other guy within some timeframe?

K-THX (gR33tz d00ds)

am i imagining things or do i always see "windows vista" (TM) and not
just "Vista" (TM) does that make a difference?

i personally just love the name (first three letters match mine) can i sue?

thank goodness they didnt name it Windows KKodename KKKarate

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