On 7/20/05, bp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to set up Devanagari fonts on Linux MDK 10/10.1 pc.
> I downloaded Gargi fonts also. I added it thro' font add in MDK. But things
> are not smoothly working for dev fonts. Inter font space is not correct
> Anybody *using* Devanagari fonts with at least openoffice( or other  known
> editor), can supply me steps involving this(how to use dev fonts with
> ooffice) process?
>  So that I can check up whats wrong in which step in my case.
> I searched net also. But no systematic information I got. I want to setup
> Devanagari fonts  for educational office work.
> Thanks and regards,
> Manjusha Joshi

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