Kaustubh Gadkari wrote:
As I said before APT is not at a similar level to RPM. It is comparable
to dpkg.
Do you mean that dpkg is comparable to rpm? IMHO, even dpkg is better than
rpm, but that's me.
Yes. I said similar. I wont argue about superiority of package formats
here. I just dont find them interesting enough for end users to care about.
In Fedora as an example yum is the right tool to use.
Does Fedora have yum installed by default? If so, the whole, long thread
about rpm files not getting installed should not have happened. I was just
trying to make the point that the package management provided by apt is lot
better than what is available (or atleast visible) in Fedora. For people not
inclined towards using the command prompt, synaptic provides a good GUI
frontend to apt. I did not recommend Slack, because, let's face it, Slack
really has no package management to speak of, IMHO.
Yes. Both up2date and yum has been included in all the Fedora versions
and installed by default. Firefox is even included as the default
browser in recent versions. Just in case you did want to install that
# up2date firefox/ yum install firefox
Fedora core 4 has enabled extras repository by default. So if you want a
GUI for the package manager, then can install it using the following
command and use that.
#yum install yumex / kyum
For the subsequent versions the integration using yum goes even further.
http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/FC5Future. Most of the complaints I
hear generally about RPM is about end users incorrectly using RPM as a
dependency resolving tool while they should be something else. Thats
really a process of educating the users on whats available. Downloading
random packages off rpmfind.net and expecting to click on it have it
work is really asking for trouble. Dependency resolvers arent unique or
interesting technologies anymore and havent been that way for a long
time. We have all moved to the next levels of integration. Gear up for
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