--- Aditya Godbole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry for interrupting, but I have to butt in to
> prevent spread of
> misinformation. The above post implies that .gz
> files are an easier
> method of installing software than RPMs. This is
> like saying wrapping
> paper is better than a food processor. I hope you
> get the point.
> Please avoid downloading .gz files. You will
> probably just waste bandwidth.
> I would request the author of the above post to
> please stop giving
> wrong information and if the case is that of utter
> ignorance and
> incompetence, to just shut up. These posts are
> archived for further
> reference for the benefit of those who actually take
> a bit of pain to
> search for the answer before troubling others.

Very interesting comment for me. please download
firefox-1.0.4.installer.tar.gz and try yourself. goto
firefox site and download this file, then You will
know what I meant, that is how setups are supposed.

But now I know that TAR = Tape Archive files 
and .gz files are GunZip files.

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