+++ Gurudatta Raut [PLUG] [09-07-05 23:28 -0700]:
| Thanks for the links Mr.
| --- Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Hi,
| > There is no such thing as Novell Dos.
| I have worked on it, long time back.
| > BTW, Novell is far from dead, 
| Courtesy LINUX.

AFAIK, SuSE is now Novell.

| > Here's an interesting article on why good OSS ideas
| > can't be killed once they 
| > become popular. -
| IE killed Netscape, I tried it on linux last time, its
| all carcus remains from MS hunt.
| > betcha talking about www.mslinux.org ....ooooh I'm
| > shaking with excitement all 
| > over !! ROFL !!!! (sad thing the site hasn't been
| > updated in sometime, it's 
| > always a good one to pull off on fresh-and-new linux
| > zealots :))
| They will update it as soon as Linux becomes a threat
| to them.
| > If you aren't then, I think I speak for all of us
| > when I say, I eagerly await 
| > the day M$ decides release true OSS - 'cos that'll
| > be the day software would be 
| > completely liberated.
| I never said anything about OSS MS Linux. If its free
| , if its as good as WinXp, then its a blow to the OSS
| Linux Market Share, simple as that.

*if its good as WinXP*? hmmm. BTW, whats is the Linux's Market share?
Where is it used? Who is using it? Why they are using it? Are some of
the questions which came to my mind.

Well I don't know much about OS. It would be nice if you can share
your knowledge regarding that. What are the features of OS? How is
it rated? etc.

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