On 7/7/05, Devendra Laulkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Shantanoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > +++ Devendra Laulkar [PLUG] [01-07-05 23:17 +0530]:
> > list. No coherent set of
> > | rules have still been set up.
> >
> >
> http://plug.org.in/pipermail/plug-mail/2004-July/012554.html
> >
> http://plug.org.in/pipermail/plug-mail/2005-May/015254.html
> >
> > How many bothered to check the posted links?
> <sarcasm on>
> Oh I see. So you expect people to go through the
> entire archive and expect them to read the rules. Good
> Idea!
> Maybe we should provide a link to mailing list
> archives in the welcome note.
> <sarcasm off>

Others can help you only if you are ready to help yourself. :)

> > |
> > | A very simple thing. Supposedly I write a small
> > reply, and it gets rejected
> > | due to top posting. How is a person new to the
> > list to understand this? By
> > | rejecting his/her messages 2-3 times curtly? I am
> > sure that people will stop
> > | bothering to reply to messages after this.
> > |
> >
> > 50% of time mails send by me get blocked and may or
> > maynot get cleared
> > by moderator. But still I reply whenever possible.
> > Using Internet mail:
> > http://www.lemis.com/email.html
> I don't see the relevance of above statement.

Supposedly I write a small reply, and it gets rejected due to top posting.
How is a person new to the list to understand this? 

The moderator give proper reason. So the person know why the e-mail
was rejected. Also there are few other things which may result in
rejection. To avoid that the above link maybe useful. Otherwise the
person gets confused. People do ask what is 'RTFM'.


> -Devendra.
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