On 7/3/05, Gurudatta Raut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry but some good person from PLUG told me to use
> - rpm - ivh Filename.rpm
> I used it. TO my shock it gave message that it
> required 4 more packages.
> I was installing FireFox, Its a shame that now I am
> using Firefox on WindowsXP, which got installed in a
> breeze.
> Now my question is , what are the alternatives to RPM.
> I am a VB developer, When we package software we take
> care that all the required files are with the
> setup.exe.

Whether thats a good approach is debatable.

> So, what is the setup.exe equivalent in LINUX ?

None (that I know of). Its better to use a Debian based distribution.
All dependency problems will get solved.


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