Hi all,

I think 1 thing we definitely need is a decent Wiki. There are many
questions that are being asked again and again and it would be helpful
if we had our own Wiki which newbies could consult and everyone can
contribute to.

I must congratulate Abhijit in this regard since he has taken the
initiative and pains to setup a (unofficial) Wiki.

However I think the Wiki should use a more standard and feature-rich
Wiki software such as MediaWiki or MoinMoin. I could not recognise
what the Wiki was... either from the look-n-feel or from the innards
(is it a homebrewn solution?)

Is there any particular reason why this Wiki engine was chosen over the others?

I also believe that having a Wiki/FAQ that just replicates what is
given elsewhere on the Net would not serve much purpose. After all if
somebody had the presence of mind to look up the Plug Wiki why would
s/he not look up the innumerable others on the Net?

Thus the Plug Wiki should be more India-centric, pune-centric... you
get the point. Wiki entries about general topics such as Winmodems
should be very brief with just pointers to other resources on the Net
whereas questions more relevant to us (for e.g. configuring Reliance
broadband connections or localized distros etc.) should be detailed.

Thanks. Have a nice day.

Blog: www.ThoughtfulChaos.com

P.S. Abhijit had asked that the feedback to the Wiki be given offlist
but I think this is something that everybody could chip in with their
2 cents...

On 6/22/05, Abhijit Bhopatkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Here is the link:
> > > http://abhijit.adotout.net/wiki/index.php

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