
> Is this dataone connection? what webbased interface are you talking
> about? it seems i haven't fully checked my modem.

Yes, I'm talking about BSNL Dataone. The router/modem they gave has a webbased 
interface. You can access it by typing the IP address of the router in a 
webbrowser. In my case (and the default) the IP address is

It'll ask for username and password. Default is admin and admin. Once you gain 
access, you're presented with html pages showing various settings of the 
router. You may also edit these settings...

> I don't think it needs ne dialing at all but i may be wrong
It depends on your settings. What I mean by dialing is 'login', or the 
authentication of your router's connection with the BSNL server.

There are 3 ways to dial:
1) autodial on router powerup
2) autodial on access (router will automatically dial/login whenever data is 
to be sent upstream, and log out after timeout
3) manual dial (no need for explanation here!!)

Anyway, that's not what the original question asked!! :-O


On Thursday 23 Jun 2005 11:44 am, Abhijit Bhopatkar wrote:

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