> Well the only problem is that it does not include
> support for MP3 files and other video files. (Am i
> wrong here?)
> Rest all stuff GNOME etc is fantastic, but without MP3
> support, its dangerous to distribute it to the general
> public.

Hi, I also received a set a few weeks back.

I shifted from Debian to ubuntu immediately.

Till date i had never used gnome, always KDE, maybe because it gave
the familiar desktop (read: similar to windoze). I am happy now that i
shifted to gnome.

Ubuntu has done a great job, they have packed the most necessary
things required for people who use the machine at home. For a
developer the packages need to installed separately.

The XMMS and mp3 plugin stuff, i am sorry but i dont remember if i
installed it later or it came with the distro.

All those wanting a good linux box, i urge u to shift to Ubuntu.


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