Hi guys, Somehow got the 3 cd pack.Installed it & looks much better than MDK10.0 but after working on it few hrs. 've few things to say about it. System specs: 1.8 ghz., 128mb ddr RAM, 17"philips monitor The good stuff :- 1. For newbies esp. while installing if a newbie is doing there is an option to install all the 3 cd's on the hdd & then installs from there. For people with big hdd's saving of time. 2. The ext3 recovery of the filesystem in case of system not shut down properly has been enhanced much better. 3. Support for higher resolutions is much better. 4. As a gnome addict, gnome 2.8 & it's much better. 5. Open office startup times 've reduced a little bit & asks for which file format to write to the first time around.
The down side: 1. Sometimes x11 refuses to respond & one gets cli & one has to reboot. 2. Unicode support has been improved but still nothing good for first-timers. Anybody knows the best way to 've hindi plz. send me a mail. Would post some more stuff as time becomes available. Shirish Agarwal Life is a dream Enjoy it! -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.