Hi all ,
        Thanks to God and Linux Hackers who write down such helpfull 
Finally I am able to recover my data back ;-))
It was painful night but got success to get my data back .
Such joyful felling :-D  you can imagine .

I did refer this links to recover my data back .


I used following command to recover my partition and data .

I first created backup of my formatted partion into singal file of name 
"filesystempartition" .
linux:~ # dd if=/dev/hda2 of=filesystempartition

Using reiserfsck command It rebuilds the entire filesystem tree .
linux:~ # reiserfsck --rebuild-tree -S -l recovery.log filesystempartition .

Create "recover" directory to mount "filesystempartition" using loop option .
linux:~ # mkdir recover
linux:~ # mount filesystempartition recover -o loop

I changed directory in lost+found directory where all my recover data will be 
present . But all files and directories are in number ( inode ).
linux:~ # cd recover/lost+found/

So I searched for my particular file "amit.doc" which was in 
"/home/amit/Documents/amit/amit.doc" .
linux:~ # find | grep amit.doc
this was o/p of the above command : ./1898_246487/Documents/amit/amit.doc

I guess that  "./1898_246487" is my "/home/amit" directory .
linux:~ #cd ./1898_246487
linux:~ #ls 
 And ha ha ;-)  I found all my directories and files from my "/home/amit" 
directory .

Simple reiserfsck and dd commands helped me to recover my data .
This is magic of Unix .

Thanks to GNU/Linux Community
param vaibhavam netum etat swaraashtram
  samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham

           || Bharat Maata Ki Jay ||

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