On Tuesday 12 Apr 2005 10:56 pm, Kapil D. Pendse wrote:

> Check out if this is an issue with OSS. At my office, some guys had faced
> similar problem (not same tough). The OSS liscense has expired and such
> irregular volume hikes started occuring. At boot time, OSS used to print
> out a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg message (that  too character by
> character!!!) informing that liscense is expired and that is why such
> behavior will be seem. In order to stop this, liscense should be
> renewed!! :-O
I'm not sure I understand. OSS is ( was?) supposed to be GPL, right? How can 
the license expire?

Anyways, got the solution. Unloaded all the OSS modules i.e i810_audio and 
ac97_codec. Installed alsa using apt-get install alsa. Configured the card 
using alsaconf. Adjusted the mixer settings using alsamixer. Did alsactl 
store. Now everything works!

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