Hello Dear friends,

    I am in trouble and want your help again. Yes, I'm sure you can
help me. Before directly asking you, let me have you some background.

    When I learn new technology, I put myself a project or task so
that it will cover almost all the features of that technology. I have
been working with PHP (version 4 in early days) and java. When I see
and learn PHP5, I am too mush fascinated with its OO and java like
syntax and behaviour. I want to put an open source project to have me
a practical feel of use and power of PHP 5 and for that I want some
good topic. I kindly request you all great developers, analysts,
thinkers and technicians to come forward and help me. It can also be
the day-to-day requirement of you people or your wish to have
something like that. Also if someone wants to actively participate let
me know that too.

    I want to start a project such that...

1.  Fully Object Oriented.
     The project should be from the domain so that it will make use
full object oriented features of PHP 5 such as...
    a> Data Encapsulation
    b> Inheritance
    c> Polymorphism etc.
     So the application has own API's which are doing backend task for
the other (mostly gui) part of the project. Those APIs can also be
used by the similar (or different) kind of projects as and when
needed. I mean somewhat similar to jar files of java we use.

2.  Using useful PHP5 extensions 
     - DOM XML or SAX
     - SQLite
     - SOAP and/ or web services etc.
     - MYSQLi
     -XSTL etc.
     The application should try to cover maximum possible PHP5 extensions

3. Scalable, Plugable and Customizable.
     The application should be scalable and new features should have
ease to add with the application to improve it in future. Also it must
behave, as the user of it wants it to. I mean customizable to user
needs and wish.

4. Generalized and Usefulness.
     The application should be generalized and should cover wide range
of users. There must be a good reason for the application to be used
by. If the application has got birth from the user requirements then
already it has the good reason.

     I am aware to the facts that this is web-based applications and
so it's limitations. I also know the couple of areas where PHP has
already pioneered in such as Shopping cart and CMS (content management
system). I find that there are already tremendous applications in
those fields so want to try some different kind of application. I also
have couple of topics with me such as WEB based WAP toolkit and
Project Management System. But the former one doesn't pass all my
above tests and later already exists (dotproject) with good features.
I am in trouble to find such application or topic. So please kindly
help me.

      Once I get the good topic I'll prepare the initial document
covering the user requirements and developer requirements (technical
requirements) and initial design or prototype. After that if I don't
get good volunteers for this project, I again may need your help in
it's early Designing Phase so that there will be minimum trouble in
implementation and maintenance of this application.

Waiting for your favourable reply.

Rajendra Patil
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