Anil wrote:

I am using PCQLinux2005(FC3). I want to disable services which are not used, so that my systems performance would increase.
I tried a command "ntsysv", and disabled couple of services. But I don't know which services are not required. I use Linux for mainly development. I use internet. I do not use server related tasks. There must be many services which are not actually needed.

I can help you with this. Could you give me the list of services you are running? You can get it by loggin in as root, and
linux:~> chkconfig --list
Please cut and quote the output.

My physical RAM fills to 249 MB out of my 256 MB RAM when on Linux with KDE. I think I use services which sums up to 249MB.
Guide me!!!

Use a top command to find out which service is eating up the memory.

Binulal Narayanan

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