At 12:00 PM 4/3/05 +0530, you wrote:
From: Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] This is not a joke. April 2005 Meeting Confirmation:
        Saturday 2nd April 2005 4:00 pm @ SICSR
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:29:11 +0530

On Apr 1, 2005 11:47 PM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Shantanoo,
> I expected some such kind of mail on the list. (well, not from you buddy :-( )

Is that you, Shantamooooo?

> Because of your mail, some people are already confused and sent mails again
> for confirmation.

These people are either new to PLUG, or just plain stupid, eh?

> Please avoid such FUN which confuses people.
> Yes, the meeting is confirmed.
> Yes, the meeting is confirmed.
> Yes, the meeting is confirmed.

You could have mentioned this in the first place, that it is not a
joke, seeing that it's so close to April 1 and since you "expected
some such kind of mail on the list"...

( I'm in Bangalore now anyways, avoiding the Bangalore LUG meetings 8-P )

Well, I also expected this kind of mail from some other fool (refer fool's definition by Aditya).
Probably you are not a fool by that definition.

Anything you write on 1st April would have the same consequences..

Its sad to know how people can not differentiate between serious matter and fun stuff.

/me closing this topic.


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