Hi Mahesh,

On Monday 28 Mar 2005 4:40 pm, Mahesh Lalge wrote:
>       Does anyone know any tool which can split my larger video files (.dat )
> into smaller once.

- mencoder ( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/index.html )
       - Link at the bottom of the page with an important notice at the top.

- LiVES (http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Esalsaman/lives/index.html)
       - this one incidentally is on this months LFY.

- Cinelerra (http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3)
       - from the same guys who make xmovie 

Info also available at :
     ....which btw was the first result I got from a free search service 
called 'google', with the query string 'linux video editing' .....you should 
try it sometime. Google for the exact URL.

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