* on the Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 12:14:27PM +0530, ranjit bhonsle said:
> Do inform the list your experiences in speed with
> same. GPRS/Edge phones are rated to give superior
> speeds ( somewhere near reliance ).

I activated GPRS on my connection last week and tried surfing using the
built in infra red port by making a connection to the IR port on my
notebook. Now, I'm not sure wether the IR port on my notebook is slow
but the connection seems pretty slow to me. I get speeds of anywhere
from 2-6 KBps (Thats what the download window in firefox report for
various downloads I tested out with). The speeds are good enough for
casual surfing and mails, though.

Surfing using IR is a pain, btw, as the phone has to be kept in line
with the port on the notebook. I have ordered for a USB bluetooth dongle
and will let the list know about speeds with it later. Using an edge
compliant phone (Nokia 6600 ?) would give a significant improvement in
speed, though I have'nt seen edge working yet to comment much on this.


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