Hi Ranjit,

On Tuesday 22 Mar 2005 7:44 am, ranjit bhonsle wrote:
> Hello PLUG,
> I use fedora 3 and kde as default desktop.
> When i connect (dial-up) using kppp I get a
> pppd time out. I have been able to solve this
> problem only by changing the /etc/resolv.conf
> i.e atleast open it in vi and save it.
> Has anyone faced similar problem?
> This does not occur on mdk-10.1
> Any solution ?
Usually for dial up ppp connections one would want to use the DNS server 
provided by the service provider. You can do this by editing the file 
"/etc/ppp/options" and adding the line:


Other interesting options you might want to add for better performance are:

bsdcomp 15 15
deflate 15 15

These options would enable compression of  data over the connection if the 
dial-in server supports it.

For more parameters to tune, do a 'man ppp'.

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