Hi Somitra,

On Wednesday 16 Mar 2005 10:51 pm, Soumitra Rastogi wrote:
> Hi
> I am using Redhat Fedora at work for the past 6
> months. Since the last 1 week, I have been
> experiencing frustratingly slow browsing speeds with
> mozilla. Any suggestions what could be the possible
> reason?
There are multitude of factors that affect what you call browsing speeds, the 
least of them has to do with the browser that you are using. Here are a few 
suggestions that might help narrow down the cause for the slow browsing 
a) Have you tried using any other browsers besides Mozilla ? (tip: Most GUI 
file managers on linux are also web browsers)
b) Has there been a change in the network setup at your work place that might 
have affected the network as a whole ?
c) Has anything changed in the manner that you connect to the internet ?? Do 
you see any new services starting up in the background when you connect to 
the net ??
d) Of late have your browsing habits changed ?? ...as in, do you more often 
visit sites with dynamic content these days as compared to earlier ?
...and other things like that (those are what I could think off the top of my 

All that said, if you want to to tune your mozilla to appear more responsive 
try some of the tips mentioned here:

http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/tips#oth_rendering  and 

Note: Although the page is about firefox (which IMHO is what you should be 
using in the first place). The tips should apply to Mozilla too.


> I have tried clearing the cache, but it doesn't help.
> - Soumitra
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