Hello: Welcome to lInux programming.

Krishna Khanna wrote:

I would be glad to know regarding c programming on linux i use
mandrake 10.1 and am a newbie. What i got from the net is that you
write cc -o hello hello.c
if the program is written on the editor and save  as a '.c' file, then
the object by name of hello is created and by writing ./hello (obj
name) the o/p is displayed.

But again and again changing the code in editor and writting the above
command is not feasible.

Try Emacs or XEmacs. You can have multiple windows, execution shell, easy kb shortcuts for compilation and more. Read the Emacs tutorials, and the manuals. Help yourself :D
Using KDevelop is also option, but may not be that cool.

Can't i use it like tc for windows. What do i
replace conio.h with.

I don't think you may ever need conio.h :) You may find basic documentation and sample programs in "/usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/reference/C/cref.html" ("/usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/reference/C/".)
You can find something more here : http://users.actcom.co.il/~choo/lupg/tutorials/index.html
Have fun :)

Please help me out by giving your suggessions or by suggesting some links

another thing :
how do i login as root

root is the login name, and you should know the root password, then

login: root
password:       (Enter your root password)

Hope I was of some help
Binulal Narayanan

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