Which Linux? There's no such thing as Linux 9.0, it could be Redhat 9.0, SuSE 9.0 etc.

I am sorry it is Redhat Linux 9.0. There is no problem with mouse.

 I have a LINUX 9.0 machine at my home. After full booting when  X
window is suposed to come the PC hungs nothing works out like mouse
dose'nt work ,Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is also not responding. When I will
Reboot it X Window will come. What do i do to over come this problem

Do you mean sometimes X server starts properly and sometimes not?! That's strange. How do you reboot? Please give the exact procedure you follow to bootup your computer, reboot etc...

I am sarting it normally , but in all cases when full booting is done and x window(login window)
is supposed to come it hungs, means you can not do any thing.

Than i will simply reboot it while pressing the reboot buton and
this time it will work means login window will come,  but booting
time will be more since i have directly rebooted it.

with thanks

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