> i am using vmalloc for allocating memory in my kernel module . i read
> about a article poking fun at the usage of vmalloc ..  i want
> dynamically allocated mem but am not doing something in  IRQ or DMA
> mode so using vmalloc ... my current kernel number is 2.4.27. any
> suggestions on using vmalloc.   [ i am using this allocation mostly in
> a kthread which is created in  1:1 ratio per request   kthread per
> request since the processing in a bit long ]
> should i not really use vmalloc ..... please tell !!!!
If you don't need the physicalyl contigeous memory, eg. for DMA (IRQ
won't need contigeous memory ) or for performace reasons then its
prerfectly ok to use vmalloc. Why would you think that it should not
be done. As far as kerenel memory space is concerned the region will
be in consequetive addresses except that it may not be cosequetive in
the pyhsical memory. Also the L3 cache might benifit from physically
contigeous acccesses other than a need for dma. So if you are
processing large bufferes then you may consider using kmalloc instead.
vmalloc in general will have more chance of succeeding in case of 
memory contention.
For more info you can refer to a very well stated discussion in Linux
Device Drivers 2nd Edition by Roubinni. (Google LDD and you should get
a link).

> Also i want more info on work queues , ( better  way to write bh's )
> and some pointer that shows how to use them ...
Again a very good discussion about that can be found in above book


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