On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:40:46 +0530, Anil Wadghule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to know that how to log into the Mandrake10.1 as a root. While
> installing Mandrake, I chose log in using user as a default. Now while
> logging, it doesnt show root, it shows only user & the field for
> password. I cant change the user name, I can change only password. So
> what setting should I do in my KDE or mandrake so that I should get
> the username field to change. I tried the user groups, user
> administration, all are useless for this. For doing things as a root I
> have to go to terminal & log as a root then perform the things. So
> please help

The new kdm versions dont' allow root to login (neoone knows the
setting the kontrol center doesn't have ne). Which isn't a bad thing
You shouldn't be logged into X as root, use su as required instead.

Neways if you know what you are doing then i think switching to gdm
might allow root login.
Also plain old console login and then startx ( append '-- :1' if k/gdm
is on oth screen) will work too.

Again reconsider loggin in as root. i know of very sorry people who
trashed their system in most unexpected ways, a simple user login
would have saved them big time.

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