> But I did not got the answer that how to save these settings. I have
> to perform everytime I boot. So tell me procedure how to save these
> settings. Its related to some rs.local file in etc directory.

well, if you're using fc-3, then i'm guessing that it has a 2.6
kernel, which implies alsa, which means you should have alsamixer and
alsactl. you can set the levels with alsamixer, and save them to be
loaded the next time using alsactl.
if you dont have these utilities, then look for some package called
alsa-utils (thats what gentoo calls it). if you use yum/synaptic, then
it should be reasonably easy to find it. or you could always use the
'add/remove programs' thing that the redhat distros have.
as for the config file, alsactl seems to store its stuff in a file
called /etc/asound.state, by default.


Sagar Gokhale
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