On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:52:20 +0530, Nikhil Karkare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Pluggies
> I was installing RedHat 9 on a Celeron machine, and it installed fine
> right upto the post-installation scripts.
> Anaconda crashed. I don't have the debug log with me.
> Now when the machine starts up, it throws me to a grub prompt. I used
> linux rescue, only to figure out that grub.conf didnt exist.
> What is the way out? I have /dev/hda1 as /boot, /dev/hda2 as / and
> /dev/hda3 as swap.

Hi Nikhil:

I faced this problem on two Celeron machines.
One had Via chipset m'board and the other was Intel 852 Chipset.
Got around the crash problem without configuring X in the first go.

However, this is not a specific or conclusive answer/solution to
the situation!

> Will just writing grub.conf solve my problem? Is there a way just to
> run the post-installation scripts of the installer?

Since the packages are anyway installed.
Just fire up the installer and go in for 'upgrade/update' option.
Don't choose any package and let the installation go through,
the installer will create a new entry for the boot loader on the MBR.
Go till the end of the installation process, pull out the CD
and reboot!

This should work fine!

Saifi Khan.
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