
The next IndicThreads.com Java User Meet will be held at 4 pm on the 29th of
Jan 2005. The venue is Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research
(SICSR), Pune, India.  Like last time, we will not only have good content
but also great prizes.

The speaker at this meet will be Dr. Sunu Engineer from The Inter-University
Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA).  The topic for his session is
"The many facets of Java Enterprise".

Based on the feedback at the previous meet, we will have a Q&A session this
time. We have also modified the timing from a lazy Sunday morning to a more
convenient late Saturday afternoon.

You can put up your questions to the audience and the speakers and we will
try to find a solution. Send any questions or suggestions to editor AT
indicThreads DOT com.

Date and Time
4.00 pm
29th January 2005

Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research (SICSR),
7th floor, Atur Center, Model Colony, Pune

Details at: http://indicthreads.com/news/java_user_meet_29_Jan_2005.html

harshad oak

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