> Sharninder said: 

> Am I the only one thinking that the bandwidth limits
> are a big turn off!!

Sharninder you are not alone. Even I find this absurd
download quota totally stupefying. In civilised
countries they don't have download quotas. In Japan
you can get a 10 Mbps line for around $ 25 USD from
Yahoo! broadband which incidentally is losing around
$100 million per month! But they expect to break even
this March. Considering the fact that BSNL made a
profit of over Rs. 5,000 crores last year, it should
be in a position to take a hit on its bottom line till
the bandwidth prices in India match that in the
civilised countries. But then, as we all know, in the
beginning cell phone tariff's in India were Rs.
16.80/-for both incoming and outgoing and now our cell
phone rates are probably the cheapest in the world.
Hope things change.

P.S.: A few fortnights ago, BSNL had placed an order
worth Rs. 500 crores for broadband related equipment
from Cisco which happens to be the largest such order
in history and according to market rumours a few days
later, Reliance too placed a similar order. As per
market insiders, Reliance is planning a typical
Reliance style "BIG" launch similar to its foray into
the cell phone market. If Reliance plays it's card
well, we can expect much better pricing from them. And
hopefully they will get their billing in order too!

Btw, anyone from Kalyani Nagar here who has got a call
from BSNL?
Best Wishes,


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