On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 18:26:32 +0530
Kaustubh Gadkari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > "sarge".
> > 
> It's a slightly old snapshot of sarge. I guess it has the first 8-9
> cd's. I have the 25th December snapshot. The packages are newer. For
> eg, the PCQ dvd has Firefox 0.9, Thunderbird 0.8 and Evolution
> 1.4.3. The set I have has Firefox 1.0, Thunderbird 0.9 and Evolution
> 2.0.3. Btw, the sarge base + standard has now been frozen.
> > > Hello ,
> > > 
> > > Pranav.
> Are you sure you have sarge? Because my set has 15 binary cd's.

 So who has the bleeding edge one ? Since I want the latest one (
which also have gnome 2.8.x )
 Pranav has agreed to burn his set for me. If ur one is more latest
maybe I can ask him to not to burn , if u can burn me the latest. ( I
typically wanted the ISO's themselves, to try making a local
repository & also burn CDs later if needed ).

Sorry for the cc's but realized my plug mosts are getting delayed due
to moderation!.

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