On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 13:30:04 +0530
"Nishita Desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I just bought a sony dsc-p73. To view the pictures, I followed
> USB-Digital-Camera-HOWTO. But when i come to the part of mounting, 
> I get the following error
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] nishita]# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera
> mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device
> I do not have any other usb or scsi devices.
> lsusb lists the camera. but gives these errors
> cannot get string descriptor 1, error = Broken pipe(32)
> cannot get string descriptor 2, error = Broken pipe(32)
> error messages at the the end of the output of dmesg.
 Try it this way , 
  take a output of dmesg
  plugin ur camera  & again take dmesg output, this time it should
show up some device, if it does then try to mount.
  Another approach is you try with gphoto2 , that is a better tool, or
digikam ( kde based tool ).
 I dont know abt sony cameras , usually either they go as storage
media ( /dev/sdxx ) or PTP protocol is used ( Canon cameras ).


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