At 08:41 PM 12/2/04 +0530, you wrote:
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 17:16:31 +0530
From: Sumeet Madhukar Moghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] December 2004 Meeting Confirmation: Saturday 4th December,
        2004, 4:00 pm @ SICSR
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Navneet Karnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

On Wednesday 01 December 2004 12:40, Navneet Karnani wrote:
> > Please book your CDs (Rs. 25/- per CD) so that you can collect them at
> > the meeting.
> > MDK10.1 CDs are ready with us(3 CDs. 4th one should be available within
> > 2-3 days.
> How do we book the CDs ?  I would want to have one copy of all the MDK
> 10.1 Official CDs. When and where should i collect them ?

If you want I can bring the 4th CD to the meet and you could copy it there. If
there is a CD-Writer available.

BTW, I wanted to demonstrate a package called emovix, that might excite a few
desktop users. Would there be a computer with a CD-Writer available at the


If you can give 4th CD on Friday, we can make copies of it and give it in the distro alongwith the other 3 CDs.

CD drive will be available. CD writer , not very sure. Deendra is getting one for the meeting.

Lets try to accommodate emovix demo too.


To exercise refusal of freedom is also Freedom!!!

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