On Wednesday 01 December 2004 12:40, Navneet Karnani wrote:
> > Please book your CDs (Rs. 25/- per CD) so that you can collect them at
> > the meeting.
> > MDK10.1 CDs are ready with us(3 CDs. 4th one should be available within
> > 2-3 days.
> How do we book the CDs ?  I would want to have one copy of all the MDK
> 10.1 Official CDs. When and where should i collect them ?

If you want I can bring the 4th CD to the meet and you could copy it there. If 
there is a CD-Writer available.

BTW, I wanted to demonstrate a package called emovix, that might excite a few 
desktop users. Would there be a computer with a CD-Writer available at the 


Oh don't the days seem lank and long
        When all goes right and none goes wrong,
And isn't your life extremely flat
        With nothing whatever to grumble at!
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