On Suse 9.1 modprobe uhci, modprobe ohci and modprobe ehci all fail.

Well, the bad news is that the 2.6.4 kernel that SuSE distributed with 9.1 was an abomination. (although I
think SuSE is an excellent distribution, they probably
all had their flights booked to the Novell headquarters
in USA and just had to let that release get out...)

The good news:
I know that they did distribute those modules with the
kernels, see first for yourself:

# ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/host | grep hcd

and you should see them sitting there, so you don't need to build
a new kernel (if you r e a lly dont want to...)

For the relatively low IO you'll be doing over the USB, I'd reccomend
the "open" driver: ohci-hcd, if you really want to know which is best
for your system, read: /path/to/kernel/src/Documentation/*hci.txt

Anyways, the command to insert the module into your system
environment is:


# modprobe ohci_hcd


And if you want it to load when you boot the machine
you probably need to put something like this in your
/etc/modprobe.conf file:

alias usb-controller ohci_hcd

Otherwise I hope everything else they said about the Reliance CDMA phone is true....

- tribh

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