Hi all, There is a plan to have a Mega LUG meet / BoF Session, where people coming from different LUGs / places across country for LB/04 , would meet and discuss on how to make FLOSS grow in India. Some aspects that could be discussed are - How to increase FLOSS usage in education/organizational/individual levels. - How to encourage students to participate in FLOSS development - Increasing LUGs scope and reach. - TODO: suggest more points of discussion. More suggestions/ideas on how this could go about are welcome (& needed)
Here this idea is not just meet up and have a fruitful discussion, but also evolve some kind of charter or roadmap, which could also be translated into some action. Duration of meet could be 90-120 mins. A rough plan on how it could go about #1 First get some common agenda / points which would form basis of #discussion in the meet ( these could be chalk out on list discussions #) 2 Those who may not be able to make it to the meet, can post their #view on LIG/LB04 list or in their respective LUG list (& someone fwd #it directly to me or to LIG/LB04 list ). 3 Those who would be making #for LB04 , make sure you are there for the meet Once the points for discussion are fixed, it would be good to have some people who have experience on them speak for few minutes, to set the ball rolling on those issues. Also we would need some volunteers, who can take some notes on discussions , summarise it and prepare up a report and a charter/roadmap/action plan document. Please fwd this mail to LUG list ur on if its not already posted there. Regards, Karunakar -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.