Debajit Adhikary wrote:

Debajit Adhikary wrote:

How could I safely remove a USB drive attached on the fly to my Linux system?

umount does work. In fact, there is no error message at all, but the flash drive still keeps blinking -- and it doesnt seem safe to remove the drive yet.

I'm running SuSE 9.1, which mounts it under /media

As root
umount /media/usb* works

/etc/mtab shows a ubsfs mounted filesystem in /proc/sys/usb

umount /proc/sys/usb
works as well

It's just that the Flash drive still keeps blinking. I would suppose
that that is the default behaviour of a usb drive -- it probably needs
to be "stopped" at a lower hardware level, rather than just

you don't want to unmount the usbfs system, as that is the pseudo-fs that controls the USB bus itself.. Theoretically, simply unmounting /media/usb* should work, but be aware, that syncing can take some time (up to 3 or minutes with a large [i.e. > 128Mb] USB 1.0 disk) and mount may not be acting in a synchronous manner. Try the following as root

umount /media/usb*

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