Hello Plug members,
Where is the option for including hsf modem drivers in kernel
on SuSE 9.1 ? The rpm does not work...says that no modules
for this kernel. I wonder how it is included as rpm if not for
this kernel .
There is one more package km_hsflinmodem which is source
to be installed before kernel compile....did just that but on
xconfig cannot find any hsf/conexant option .
On SuSE 9.1 there is one more strange command...sux...
apparently starts x . But I guess it just connects to server
as I am already on gui. Even that gave errors about not finding
.Xauthority in root /home...now it gives error aboout not
liking host name which is Linux .
Googling not worth it as all with hsf are in same boat .
Any help will be much appreciated .
[ Free linuxant driver works but is so Slow]
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