On 10/27/2004 7:10 PM A G wrote:

>Cos Win* rules the desktop, as of now, due to its ease
>of use. (Pl. no stories of virus etc. Cos a good and
>free AV, FW and spyware-checker and NON MS Browser are
>enough to keep your system lean and mean.)
>And anyway OS itself is a worthless piece of code.

    You can say that because you highly proficient in the use of computers and
operating systems. But what of the average (read Technologically Challenged) Joe
who knows nothing about administering his system and 'computing the smart way'.
How will he be able to keep his system 'Lean & Mean'? All he needs is to use his
apps and internet. Anything other than that is the TechSupport's headache (and a
lot at that when it comes to Windows).

My Two Paise.
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